Viacheslav SlinkoSoftware Engineering Manager


I have 10+ years of experience in many fields of the IT industry: starting from software engineering — backend development, frontend development, DevOps; continuing with engineering management — project management, team leadership, process engineering. I’m developing myself to be a person who can build an IT department from the ground.

Last Experience

Technical Head of Business Unit

— Present
CIAN Group (Moscow, Russia)

After the organization changes — we were rearranged into cross-functional product teams — I decided to focus on management and took the role of team leader. I joined a team with 10+ people in it, several product owners, and project manager who was a proxy between the team and product owners. We had many issues: too many bugs, complaints about specification fullness and emptiness, moving deadlines.

I did successful reorganizations based on involvement, transparency, and autonomy. Nowadays, the business unit includes 30+ people and has several teams with dedicated product owners who communicate directly with team members. Each team has a kanban board that covers the whole process from discovery to post-analysis and covered with process metrics and SLA’s.

Besides, I participated in many other company activities and projects, like a/b experiments reengineering, defining the engineering grades, and improving analytics data collecting from the web.

Head of Frontend Engineering Team

CIAN Group (Moscow, Russia)

My goal was to build up the whole frontend in the company: choice and implement an architecture, participate in the hiring process, define the adaptation, motivation, and people growth processes, control and organize work of out-source stuff.

I built a microservice architecture of the frontend, created the first version of the continuous deployment system, and wrote a bunch of core libraries. Also, I successfully did several large projects such as moving to HTTPS, reengineering of the headline search form, optimizing the performance of the main page.

I was an engineering manager for the frontend engineers and used well-known technics like regular one-on-one meetings, personal development plans, teaching, and coaching. During this time, the team grew from 2 to 15+ frontend engineers.

Lead Software Engineer

Paintboller (Moscow, Russia)

I was responsible for the architecture, the development process, and features implementation in a small startup. Built a monolithic architecture from scratch based on Neo4j, GraphQL, React and Relay and open-sourced it. Developed the process using the BDD approach: we were writing requirements as Gherkin scenarios, each scenario had a GitHub issue and covered by functional tests. Hired, trained, and supervised other engineers.